David Biga Serves Change From A Floating Lemonade Stand

David Biga Serves Change From A Floating Lemonade Stand

Although the album has a simple title, Biga and his Lemonade Stand goes much deeper than a simple glass of lemonade. The Chicago, Illinois, and Dayton, Ohio-based record label Novelist Music Group…

Why social media is crucial for independent artists and record labels

The music industry is constantly evolving, and this requires artists to quickly evolve along with it. One of the most important tools in an artist's life right now is social media…Our team at Promo Up Music has conducted some research along with our partners at Novelist Music Group to show you a few of the main reasons why social media marketing is the way to go for all music artists…

Solvable Jobs speaks with Novelist Music Group

Solvable Jobs speaks with Novelist Music Group

In this episode, you will learn:

The journey of artists and how it has changed over time.

Guiding tips for artists.

Immediate vs. deferred gratification in careers.

Daydreaming through the Noise

Daydreaming through the Noise

The Memphis native, Ashley Ave., is an upcoming music artist that is not afraid to demonstrate her skills on the mic.